DEEPA – Acidize with accuracy

The Acid Test

Acid Test

Uniformly acidize the rock matrix around the wellbore to increase production or injection rates. DEEPA is very close to the ideal matrix acidizing system with over 95% of the total acid produced generated downhole after the treatment fluid has been pumped to fill the rock matrix.

This provides excellent uniform acidizing throughout the fluid-filled zone and highly effective matrix stimulation. Uniform acidizing is very difficult or impossible to achieve with conventional acids which react on contact with carbonate formations forming wormholes rather than uniformly acidizing the whole rock matrix. DEEPA in-situ acidizing treatments overcome these distribution challenges to achieve the uniform delivery of acid throughout the treatment zone to ensure the uniform dissolution of the rock matrix to significantly increase permeability to several metres around the wellbore.

DEEPA treatments often increase production by up to 50% or more by optimizing zonal coverage and achieving uniform radial and longitudinal fluid placement throughout the target zone.

See how HCl compares to DEEPA

When comparing the two products head-to-head it is easy to see the overall benefits of DEEPA against a generic HCl fluid. Take a look at the results of our Acid Test score for an overview.